
Saturday, April 2 Radio Frequency | March Soundtrack

[photo by Alex Wong]

Most of the time when I'm working or studying, instead of listening to music I listen movies, I don't know why, but one thing is true the lines and the soundtrack stay in my head, I currently know all the line of Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone, Harry Potter and Chamber of Secrets and almost all the lines from the other six! Probably not something to be proud of, but I'm a potterhead, always.

But I'm not here to share my craziness about Harry Potter, I'm here to share soundtracks. I love watching movies and series, and I think the music makes the scene, it changes the entire thing, if you watch behind the scenes you know that they don't have music playing in the background, and when you watch the scene the music just completes it!

Here is my march soundtrack, from some of my favorite series and movies, not all of them, that would be a long list, hope you enjoy.

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