
Monday, February 22 GTKM | The City Where I Live In

"Coimbra dos Amores, Coimbra dos Doutores"

The first sentence cannot be translated in a way that you could understand what it means to us students here in Coimbra. Roughly it says - Coimbra of Lovers, Coimbra of Doctors - see? It probably isn't making any sense to you.

If you know Portugal, you know that are probably four major cities - Lisbon, Porto, Faro and Coimbra - the last one is mostly none for her history and for being the city of the students. For the past (almost) four years I've been living and studying here, and I don't regret a thing.

Moving away from my hometown made me grow in certain aspects of my life, others I still trying to figure out but I'm not having to much success.

One of the thing I love to do is going out I find this beautiful spaces to relax, take a stroll or simply admire the city. I'm planning on creating some itineraries if you some day would like to visit this beautiful city.

It feels like home, that's why I think it's so beautiful and makes want to come back every time I go home. I've not even explain why it's called Coimbra of the Doctors! In university we have an hierarchy for each year in uni, but after you put your cape for the first time and in the beginning of second year you are called doctor!

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